Lesley Donne

Be Heard. My special talent is for listening – to your dreams, your challenges, your beliefs. To what has worked before, what has changed, and what has held you back. Tell me your hopes, your vision, your fears, and we’ll work together to navigate your unique path through perimenopause and menopause.

Be Seen. As you are, in all your wonderful uniqueness. As you hope to be - now and on the other side of this transition, as you used to be, as you truly are within. Let’s work together to understand your special experience and find your balance. Whether it’s reaching your healthy weight, balancing hormones, feeling more connected to friends and community, finding your joy again, reigniting your desires, or building nurturing habits to support a more serene lifestyle, we can work on that.

Become. When you’re at a crossroads, you need a guide. Let me help you navigate the path through menopause and the many challenges that come with this change. It won’t be easy. It won’t be overnight. But it will be worthwhile.

Whether you are at the beginning of perimenopause symptoms, in the thick of hormone imbalance, have finally reached menopause, or even beyond, you’re in the right place. I help people transform – their health, their lives, their relationships, their bodies. This is my calling. This is why I am here. And why I’m so glad you are here as well.

Hi, I’m lesley donne.

My journey has led me on a transformative path of personal growth and holistic well-being, and a quest to discover more meaningful ways to serve and brighten the world, one person at a time. As a woman in perimenopause, I understand the frustration and confusion that often come with this transformative phase. So much is changing - what has worked before is no longer effective. We no longer feel in control of our body or emotions, and there seems to be nowhere to turn for answers.

You are not alone. You can find answers here.

With over 25 years of practice, I am a yoga instructor, using yogic movement and breathwork to foster balance and inner peace. An avid EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) practitioner, I empower those I work with to conquer daily stress, anxiety, and self-imposed limitations. My mindfulness meditation practice is yet another facet of the wellness journey, allowing me to cultivate inner harmony and share it with those who need it most. I am a firm believer that everything is connected - people, planet, elements, animals - as well as all the varied aspects of our individual lives, and that includes all the symptoms we experience during menopause. I strive to address you as a whole person, even if that means starting with one small facet or one single symptom first, then plotting a course to integrate sustainable changes into the complex, beautiful, holistic being you are.

My Approach

Yoga + Pranayama

Not every workout has to be intense. Gentle movement and focused breathing can also lead to full body renewal. Together, they foster a balanced mind-body connection, improving overall health and mental resilience.

EFT + Meditation

Meditation has been around for centuries. Tapping may be newer science, but their goal is the same. Using simple grounding techniques, visualization, and tapping, we’ll calm the nervous system and clear away what no longer serves us.

I employ yoga movement and yogic breathwork in my practice, EFT and meditation, herbal healing, natural biohacks, and nutrition guidance in my coaching and workshops. And I am always learning, growing, and sharing.

Herbal Healing

Herbal healing taps into the power of plants for medicinal and therapeutic purposes. Through remedies that have been used for centuries, we’ll explore each plant’s unique set of compounds that can have specific effects on the body.

Natural Biohacks

Drawing from ancient wisdom, modern science, and the art of mindful living, we'll discover how harnessing the energies of nature can unlock the secrets to vibrant health, inner balance, and a deeper connection to our world.

My Story

I still eat plants out of the yard, hug trees often, and I still dance, only now in slightly more suitable footwear.

I’ve spent a lifetime embracing my unique path and sharing my gifts with the world. My life's journey has been an odyssey of creativity, self-discovery, and making a positive impact. Born with an adventurous spirit, my journey began in rural West Georgia, where I discovered a passion for art, plants, and storytelling at a young age. I would often be found dancing barefoot in wheat fields, embarking on imaginary adventures with my blue dragon, Pamprith (formerly known as a 12-speed bike), and concocting culinary marvels like "Shmushie" (vanilla wafers with a splash of milk).

As I moved into adulthood, I explored. My career path included corporate roles as a stockbroker, event planner, and sales professional. I was a firefighter for nearly a decade. I was, and am, an actor and voiceover artist. I explored food as well. I tried macrobiotic veganism, vegetarianism, keto, and paleo diets, and just about everything in between. I traveled and explored distant lands, including the Middle East, adding a rich tapestry of cultural experiences to my life. These travels, experimentation, and experiences have expanded my horizons and deepened my understanding of myself and the world's diversity.

And, although all of those experiences were invaluable, and taught me volumes about the bio-individuality we all contain, I realized that true fulfillment for me lay in making a positive impact on others.

Now in midlife, time may have passed, but not everything has changed. My spirit and creativity are as vibrant as ever. I’ve graduated from crayons to watercolors. My loyal blue dragon has evolved into an eco-conscious hybrid car. I can cook a little more than Shmushie. Oh, I still eat plants out of the yard, hug trees often, and I still dance, only now in slightly more suitable footwear. I retain my unshakable connection to nature, and a deep belief in the power of empathy and connection. And I am, will always be, a dedicated soul on a mission to heal and change the world.